Hello! I’m Yingshi Chen (Beryl), and I’m passionate about using data and technology to drive positive change across multiple fields, including education and human resources. With a solid foundation in Statistics, Mathematics, and Human Resources Management, I’ve worked on a variety of projects that merge technology, analytics, and strategic thinking to solve complex, real-world problems.



Cornell University | Aug 2023 - May 2024

Master of Professional Studies in Data Science and Applied Statistics

Selected Courses: Theory of Statistics, Multivariate Analysis, Data Mining & Machine Learning, Statistical Sampling, Linear Models with Matrices, Probability Models & Inference


Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey | Sep 2019 - Jan 2023

Bachelor of Art | Major: Statistics, Minor: Mathematics, Human Resources Management

Selected Courses: Regression Methods, Bayesian Data Anlys, Elem Diff Equations, Math Theory Prob,  Appld Multivar Anal, Compute&Graph Appstat, Intro Expt Design, Adv Calc For Engrng, Calc II Math/Phys, Statistics II, Intro Linear Algebra, Into Computer Sci, Multivariable Calc, Talent Acquisition, Developing Talent

Areas of Expertise

Data Analysis & Statistical Modeling

Educational Technologies

Human Resources Management

Global Healthcare Workforce Data Analysis

Predicting the Quality of Wine

Sentiment Optimization on Social Networks

HR Management Project: Understanding KSAOs

Regression and Bivariate Normality